Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Oh Canada

The Quebec election is over.The PQ separatist party won. PQ 54 seats, Liberals lost with 50 whatsits name party managed to get 18 seats and the other extreme separatist party managed to get 2 seats.
First order of business in Quebec was to remove the Canadian flag...that happened before but the more nationalistic Liberals in power for almost 10 years in the province had added the federal maple leaf flag to the provincial, flag..
The effect on the stock market and exchange rate was nil, Nada, probably due to the minority win by the PQ.
The pitiful part of this election was that the premier lost his own seat in the process.
Quebec now has its first female premier, so do four other provinces of Canada. That's a good thing..

Sunday, August 5, 2012


What is a computer virus? Does new computer virus affect your system? Does it damage your computer? How does it work? Does user fix computer virus? Why it is in there and how it came up? These are just some of the questions thrown by the computer users during the time they encounter it. That is the common issue about computers and how it affects your daily lives.

                Definition of computer virus differs from its behavior or its origin on how it works. It may be a program that copy itself and affects the computer and the system. It is also computer software that is enabling unauthorized transaction to be automatically executed without any permission. On the other hand, computer virus is useful referring on some task such as using it as a program installer. On that matter it helps the installation accurately and powerful in the sense that it cooperates well to the performance. It keeps the process to continually operate without any step by step procedure, thus resulting in a smooth and fluffy operation.

                But usually, worst computer viruses act as the most dangerous and harmful software that should be avoided and won’t let it happens anymore. That is why computer users create software application that disabling virus to execute and proceed. That is why there is anti-virus distributed and installed on every computer system upon their purchase and/or during their software installation to avoid program corruption, data losses or the worst, system breakdown. Some list of computer viruses and their names are malware, adware, Trojan horses, spyware, adware and others.

                So you must scan computer for virus to assure your system is clean and install computer virus removal such as Norton, Avira, Kaspersky, AVG, and other computer virus protection. By installing those virus protections, it helps to remove computer virus and never get rid of it.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012 and then

The Unknown Brutality & Savagery
In 10 countries, men, women and children are being killed as part of systematic“genocide, ‘politicide’ or mass atrocities,” according to Genocide Watch’s recently updated list.
In Syria, pro-democracy protesters and civilian bystanders are being bombed, shot and starved by their government’s security forces; in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 3 to 5 million civilians, mostly women and girls, have been raped and murdered; and in North Korea, labor camps house 500,000 domestic and political prisoners, and non-party members are starved and undergo forced abortions.
“Many people don’t realize that genocide is occurring every day all over the world,”says Renata Reinhart, author of In the Course of My Life (, an account of the little-known Soviet genocide of 2 million Eastern Germans in 1945, committed with the complicity of England and the United States.
“It’s something we should all be deeply concerned about – any of us can become the next victims,” Reinhart says.
One hallmark of genocide is that the perpetrators deny it, says Dr. Gregory Stanton, president of Genocide Watch and the International Association of Genocide Scholars. They use tactics such as questioning and minimizing the statistics; blaming renegade forces; claiming self-defense; and/or claiming deaths were inadvertent and not intentional.
Allowing the killers to deny the massacres ensures future slaughters, Stanton says.
“Studies by genocide scholars prove that the single best predictor of future genocide is denial of a past genocide coupled with impunity for its perpetrators,” he says.“Genocide deniers are three times more likely to commit genocide again than other governments.”
In the case of the 1945 ethnic cleansing of Eastern Germany, Russian soldiers were given license to launch a “Revenge without Mercy” on the civilian populations of East Prussia, Silesia, Pomerania and other parts of Eastern Europe, Reinhart says.
“It’s documented; it’s just been ignored, concealed and forgotten,” she says, noting Nobel Prize-winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, a captain in the Red Army who witnessed the atrocities and recounted them in his poem, “Prussian Nights.” A survivor of the slaughter, Margot Serowy, tells her story in paintings at
Anticipating Germany’s defeat in World War II, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin considered the territories he would eventually claim and decided they should be cleared of all Germans, Reinhart says. Soldiers in the Red Army were encouraged to burn, loot, pillage, rape and kill to drive the Germans out of those areas beginning in January 1945.
“England’s prime minister, Winston Churchill, was informed of the plan and referred to it– approvingly – in 1944 as ‘these population transferences,’ ’’ Reinhart says. “Churchill personally ordered the massive bombing and destruction of East Prussia’s capital Konigsberg for no justifiable strategic reason and a few months later, the British bombed and leveled Dresden, killing 30.000 to 40.000 civilians. These attacks helped pave the way for Stalin’s genocide.”
The“revenge” soldiers, she added, were supplied with food, trucks, Jeeps and other vehicles by the United States.
“Because the victims were German, it was all right to rape children and murder women. No one tried to stop it,” Reinhart says. “And, apparently, it’s all right to kill men, women and children in Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Burma – the rest of the countries on the Genocide Watch list.
“We need to hold the perpetrators accountable. That’s the first step to stopping these atrocities.”

Renata Reinhart is the pen name of the author, a scholar of World War II history who spent years researching the Red Army’s march across Eastern Europe in 1945. While the book is fictionalized as a memoir, the historical elements are accurate and based on numerous documented sources.
If you would like to run the above article, please feel free to do so. Please let me know if you’d be interested in receiving a copy of the book, In the Course of My Life, for possible review.
Ginny Grimsley
National Print Campaign Manager
News and Experts
3748 Turman Loop #101
Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
Tel: 727-443-7115, Extension 207

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Dangerous food in Canada,

Foodstuff:  this is part of an e mail from my friend Debra...rather than pass on some questionable propaganda I went to the freezer and took out a package of  seaquest skinless,boneless wild sole filet's.
Extremely small print tells me that this is a product marketed by Lablaws/Product of China. In even smaller print the package/wrapper also tells me that :This Product comes from a fishery that has been independently certified to the marine stewardship councils standard for a well managed fishery     how reassuring.

 back to the e mail from Deb:

I know that some fish that says "a product of Canada" is caught there, shipped to China where it is cleaned, gutted and frozen and sent back to Canada, then sent to the USA for sale, that fish has been around.....and you thought you were buying a Canadian product which you are but processed in the Orient what for I don't know ! ! !
The imported food we eat, and junk we buy..(Just an eye opener)
Please read this very carefully , and read to the very bottom. It's important for all of us.

How is it possible to ship food from China cheaper -- than having it produced in Canada or at least the U.S.? 


Recently a Montreal Gazette had an article by the Canadian Government about how Chinese feed the fish. They suspend the chicken wire crates over the fish ponds, and the fish feed on chicken shit! Canadian Government recommended and stressed NOT to buy any type of fish imported from China. If you search the internet about what the Chinese feed their fish you'll be alarmed, e.g. growth hormones, expired anti-biotics from humans etc., and never buy any type of fish or shellfish that comes from these countries...Vietnam China, Philippines. Check this out personally.  

Next to them were President Choice brand. Product of Canada!! The PC went into my grocery bag.

While the Chinese, export inferior and even toxic products and dangerous toys and goods to be sold in North American markets, the media wrings its hands and criticizes the Harper Government or Obama Administration for perceived errors.
Yet 70% of North Americans believe that the trading privileges afforded to the Chinese should be suspended!!

Well, duh. Why do you need the government to suspend trading privileges?


Simply look on the bottom of every food product you buy, and if it says 'Made in China'  just leave it alone...

You will be amazed at how dependent you are on Chinese products, and you will be equally amazed at what you can do without.

If 200 million North Americans refuse to buy just $20 each of Chinese goods, that's a billion dollar trade imbalance resolved in our!!

The downside? Some Canadian/American businesses will feel a temporary pinch from having foreign stockpiles of inventory.

Just one month of trading losses, will hit the Chinese for 8% of their North American exports. Then they will at least have to ask themselves if the benefits of their arrogance and lawlessness were worth it.

START NOW and don't stop.

Send this to everybody you know. Let's show them that we are intelligent Canadians/Americans.

If we can't live without cheap Chinese goods for one month out of our lives, WE DESERVE WHAT WE GET!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Katharine G.Leis, Glimpses ( a 9/11 story)

This review is from:
10 characters. And that is all.
Characters that any true person can relate to. Characters who have dreams, who have hopes, who win and lose tiny little battles every day. Characters who likely have dropped toast to land freshly-buttered side down. Characters like all of us.
Characters about to share one event.
Yes, it takes place in New York City. Yes, it quickly becomes clear that September 11th is about to wipe the morning's toast disaster from each of their minds. Yes it's another 9-11 inspired piece of "art."
But it's done well.
This is not another ignorant country song to rally the nation against the bad-guys. This is a small and wonderful collection of normal moments, carefully crafted like a spider-web about to be blown away by an unseen force.
Included in this collection is an epilogue where Katharine herself becomes one of the characters and openly shares her account of the event without pretense or preachy opinions.
An enjoyable read.

Another comment::
Glimpses is an in depth look inside the individual lives of ten people. Page by page you journey with them through their day. Experiencing first hand who they are, what they do, how they think and insight on their individual goals in life. You'll enter their homes, work places and the minds of these five women and five men. Their ages vary and each of them could resemble someone you've met somewhere in time. Although, I've been known to start reading a book and get easily distracted. Not so the case with Glimpses. I could not put it down until I finished reading it in its entirety. Great piece of work from this first time author and I'll be anxiously awaiting her next book. ...

The beauty of this book is its simplicity. Ten common people--a rising executive, an aspiring actress, a middle-aged newsstand owner, a nanny for a power couple, a womanizing bartender, an aerobics teacher with self-image issues, a garbage hauler, a drug-addled stripper, a double amputee who works with kids, and a schoolgirl who feels that nothing in the world can be worse than being caught without your homework--are shown going about their lives on September 10, 2001, in a city very like New York. The expected denouement is not how things turn out, as the story segues into an impassioned personal first-person voice by the obviously affected narrator, whose own helplessness was caused by her feeling lost and useless in Orlando, Florida. The pat symmetry of the narrative, which threatens to be trite in the early going, is redeemed by finely observed details and an outpouring of emotion that sums up the universal sense of closeness that was lost in America all too quickly.
And another:
We all have those moments when we sit back and think to ourselves, "Why am I not anywhere near where I thought I would be at this stage in my life". Then we try to think of what it was that went wrong. We attempt to pinpoint this life changing decision we made somewhere along the line that put us where we are today. Why do we do this? We are looking for someone to blame. The book Glimpses by Katharine Leis is a wonderful reminder that we are in control of our own lives even when it feels out of control. There is nobody to blame, but ourselves, if we are not headed in the direction of where we want to be. Life is too short to not be doing what we truly desire to do. We are reminded of this as we read about the daily lives of the ten different characters Ms. Leis descriptively describes and revealing their inner thoughts. Glimpses is not a book that I will keep lined up on my bookshelf with the rest. I have decided to pack it away with my Christmas/New Year's Eve decorations. This way I know I will start every year by rereading it and bringing back the revitalizing feeling that comes at the end of this book. Hopefully the feeling will last throughout the year.

Monday, January 16, 2012

America,Canada and the Peace Corps

Company of Young Canadians

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Company of Young Canadians (CYC) was a short-lived (frankly, I would not consider 10 years as short lived) Canadian  youth program sponsored by the Canadian federal government, which existed from 1966 to 1977.
It was inspired by the U.S. Peace Corps, but was designed to be run autonomously without government direction.
It generated considerable controversy shortly after its founding: coordination with volunteers in small communities was poorly organized, and several of the youth involved in the program were prominent political activists. Among other things, it was accused in 1969 of harbouring terrorists by municipal officials from Montreal including Mayor Drapeau. These claims were never verified. In March 1970 its administration was taken over by the federal government, and in 1977 it was formally abolished.

The Peace Corps traces its roots and mission to 1960, when then Senator John F. Kennedy challenged students at the University of Michigan to serve their country in the cause of peace by living and working in developing countries. From that inspiration grew an agency of the federal government devoted to world peace and friendship.
Since that time, 200,000+ Peace Corps Volunteers have served in 139 host countries to work on issues ranging from AIDS education to information technology and environmental preservation.
Today's Peace Corps is more vital than ever, working in emerging and essential areas such as information technology and business development, and contributing to the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. Peace Corps Volunteers continue to help countless individuals who want to build a better life for themselves, their children, and their communities.