Tuesday, August 27, 2013


A number of Canadian Senators, Liberal and Conservative are in trouble for
overstating their living or residency expenses. One already resigned three
more probably will do so. They all had to repay their claimed funds to the
government, the amounts are actually insignificant as compared for the
enormous spending by the government. Even accumulated over several years
these numbers are less than $150,000 per individual. Just the same, they may
face charges for tax evasion or fraud. We will see.
For a senator of your country to engage in inflating bills and shipping the
ill gained profits overseas to share with financial partners clearly looks
like a crime to me.

This is probably another 419 farce, but even if there were any kind of basis
for it, anything resembling this form of diversion of sorely needed funds
for the improvement and betterment of the living conditions in Nigeria
should be considered a serious crime and be appropriately punished.

Your request for an urgent business relationship was actually received by me
on a number of e mail addresses I use. As a writer of a number of blogs I
somehow ended up with a few e mail tags, I generally use only one and it is
combining my name with Hotmail. The way you promote this effort is hardly a
method of keeping it secret from your government.
I did respond to you using one of my e mail addresses and I suggested that
you prove that you are legitimate and that there is some substance to your
Our government ( Canada ) has once again, recently committed more funds to
the purpose of understanding between our two peoples. You live in a
beautiful and actually quite rich country.  If you compare it with resource
poor Germany or Britain for that matter, or France, Italy, even Spain you are
 blessed with a fine climate
and rich resources as well as a fairly intelligent population. I do find it
difficult to understand therefore why Nigeria ( Venezuela second) is
considered to be the most corrupt country on earth.
You may want to try and explain that to me...or to us Canadians...if you

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Do you believe.....Religion

Occasionally I am asked: Do you believe in God? What do you think of Jesus Christ? The 10 Commandments, How do you live your life. Church....what or which church do you belong to? Are you active in any of the major Religions, Christianity, other?

This really should not be too hard to answer, should it? After all as I recall we really got religion hammered into us as kids. First we were separated...Boys and Girls. Then again, age, then once more for either being Lutheran/ Evangelic they called it, and-or Catholic.

Home room teacher covered just about every subject, including religion, from grade 1 right up to grade 9. I had the misfortune to be instructed by a particularly brutal beast of a man from grades 5 to 9 until this madness ended.

As a 14 year old brought up as Lutheran there is a coming of age thing they call Confirmation, one qualifies for this by participation for a few months of catechism study or something like that. And that is more or less about it.  I  admire to a degree this fellow, monk, reformer Martin( Luder), Luther, who probably changed the world as much as did Napoleon Bonaparte did in obviously other ways.

As above so below. There was Heaven, above the ground....and there was Hell, supposedly below the ground. After life you could end up in one place or the other. Eternal peace above or hellfire below.

Now, today, we talk about the black hole. We are told that the universe started from absolutely nothing and expanded to all the galaxies, stars in the galaxies( suns) with all the appropriate planets and moons around the planets, one such planet being what we call the earth with all of the 7 billion inhabitants known as humans and everything else, animals, land and oceans, birds, fish bugs microbes, you name it. And, it is said this Universe started somewhere 12 to 15 billion years ago, they call it the big bang theory.
If you believe that you really must believe in a higher being or just thinking about it will drive you mad.

The 10 Commandments are found in the Bible's Old Testament. They were given directly by God to the people of Israel at Mount Sinai after He had delivered them from slavery : God spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD your God…

ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'

TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'

THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'

FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'

FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.'

SIX: 'You shall not murder.'

SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'

EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'

NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'

TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'

In today's context:  In somewhat more modern language, one such interpretation ...

1) God is the only God.

2) Don't worship idols, statues, and other human being.

3)Don't use God's name inappropriately. In other words saying "Oh my God"
   is considered a sin.

4) Go to church every Sunday or Saturday.

5) Respect your parents.

6) Don't kill.

7) Don't cheat on your husband or wife. Some Christians even include girlfriends and boyfriends.

8) No stealing.

9) The essence of this commandment is honesty. Just don't lie.

10) Be happy with what you have and don't envy other people's belongings.


Made in canada scam....

I know of a scam someone managed to execute just a few years ago. This fellow, just refer to him as Norm (real name) managed to accumulate somewhere between 1.2 and 2 million Canadian Dollars which he promptly used to buy a luxury home, several businesses and business properties.

His  initial investment was relatively small, just a few thousand dollars. In the end he was fined by the Provincial government for not properly registering a company or the company name he operated with. The fine was a lousy $500, that’s all. When I made a follow up phone call to see how this scam ended up I was told by the provincial officer that the file was closed, the fine was paid and that was the end of it. The officer then remarked that they are too busy to do anything more, being heavily involved to investigate fraud in the construction business .
There were hundreds of what I would call insured parties but the individual  fraud amounts were anywhere from $50 to $ 1,200 per situation. There was no way for the parties to know of each other and therefore the possibility of a class action lawsuit was minimal.

If not for a couple of USA postal inspectors showing up one day at my door I never would have bothered to get involved.
The scam  mastermind rented  office space from me  and after the activity when he moved out  I found evidence in the leftover extensive  paper trash.

Friday, May 10, 2013


The Official Romance Scams Web Site
Romance Scams offers Support, Education, and Healing For All Who Find Their Way Here

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We are all volunteers. If you would
like to help, your non-deductible
donation is always welcome.

Romance Scams

Dealing with the Dangers
Romance Scams Facts
Scammers will not stop until you make them stop. When a scammer confesses they are a scammer and they fell in love with you; this another part of the scam. What usually happens is you get sucked right back into it and worse the second time. They will convince you to visit them in Nigeria. You will lose more money, if you consider visiting and even your life. We are dealing with one victim who is being held in Nigeria against her will and her child is the leverage to keep her there. She is scamming now, and could lose her life. The FBI warned us a couple years ago, if they (victims) go over they will be dragged into the scamming business and are in danger...and its true.

So to answer your question yes its dangerous. To understand these scams you need to read the stories from other victims, and to read about these scams. These scammers will not stop, this is a business and very big one that is associated with terrorism.

Save yourself time, money, your sanity and even your life- start to heal from this scam and move on by helping others.
From a Romance Scam Victim
I know that the group will be very disappointed in me but I let my scammer David Nickson back in because he told me he was still in love with me. He said he wanted to talk to me again; so we talked tonight. He wanted me to send him money and a credit card in my name; so he could put the money on it and withdraw off it. All he cared about was money and a credit card. He called me every bad name in the book he could think of.

I wanted to believe that he was who he says he was, and not a scammer; but now I have learned that he is not David Nickson. He is truly a scammer. I did not want to say anything to the group about this because, I was so stupid, and dumb to think he really loved me. He is nothing but a liar who got back into my heart, and broke it again and hurt me.

Please learn from me, never ever let your scammer back into your life like I did. I have blocked him, and deleted him from my yahoo; I will never let him back in again. All those sweet words he would say to
me were just lies but I wanted to believe he was who he says he was.
Scam Baiting Dangers
Scam backing or scam baiting, is not a means of revenge or closure for someone who has been scammed recently. The practice of Scam backing is filled with lots of negative energy; it will also take a lot out of you. The risk of being sucked right back in to the scam is very high..
Romance Scams does not advocate the practice of scam backing or scam baiting. Over the past three years we have witnessed victims being harmed in unimaginable ways by participating in this activity. We follow the advice of the FBI which is to remove, block and cease all contact immediately.
From a Romance Scam Victim
"Just needed to write a little bit about playing around with your scammers after you find out what they are. I thought they couldn't do anything to me, so every now and again I would send a little message. The Last one I sent was a copy of the news paper article that was written about my story. Well the other day I received a e-mail. I thought it was a response to that article considering I have received nearly one hundred responses to it. This one was different after opening it I discovered it was from my scammer and it also contain a virus that literal killed my new laptop. and on that computer was some irreplaceable data. This represented about a month of hard work. So please do your self a favor and not play with the scammers after you discover what they are doing to you. I just learned the hard way. This lesson just cost me about $2000. This is how they make their living, and is not a game to them; I know this first hand. "

The Dangers
  • Whether you want to realize it or not you are playing with people who have terrorist connections.
  • Your computer can be hacked into and have your personal information (identity theft) stolen along with having many viruses installed onto your computer.
  • The scammers do not like their flow of money interrupted. This is not a game!
  • We have confirmation from the FBI. The authors of the book were placed under protection when their computers came under cyber terrorism.
  • Scam backing, may waste a bit of their time, but it does not solve the real problem at hand.
Visit Romance Scams Danger Warning Pages:
  • Scam Baiting
  • Threatened
  • Stories
  • Blackmail
  • Identity Theft
  • FBI Warnings
  • FAQ
Most people want revenge on their scammer, so they try to scam back them. But in more cases then we would even like to remember, the victims still had feelings for their scammer and got sucked right back into the scam. More

Please contact us for support when facing these dangers.