Sunday, February 16, 2014

Ontario rip off, the drive clean thing..

a local mufflershop,driveclean agent who also happens to do repais stiffed me out of 200 bucks or clean fail,35 dollars, repair estimate$150 for a oxygensensor, retail $90 at cts, billed over 400 dollars, had to go elsewhere after that for another final clean test.A rip off I tried to question but the authorizing provincial agency are not interested, claiming they have no control beyond the 35 dollar initial charge for testing. It looks like the 2013 ruling to allow for a conditional pass if repairs are over $500 has become a business model for some greedy repair shops...unfortunately I fell into this trap with one of them, who also happens to be a bit of a loudmouth bully..blaming his outrages billing on...oh well that's the government...l