Tuesday, August 27, 2013


A number of Canadian Senators, Liberal and Conservative are in trouble for
overstating their living or residency expenses. One already resigned three
more probably will do so. They all had to repay their claimed funds to the
government, the amounts are actually insignificant as compared for the
enormous spending by the government. Even accumulated over several years
these numbers are less than $150,000 per individual. Just the same, they may
face charges for tax evasion or fraud. We will see.
For a senator of your country to engage in inflating bills and shipping the
ill gained profits overseas to share with financial partners clearly looks
like a crime to me.

This is probably another 419 farce, but even if there were any kind of basis
for it, anything resembling this form of diversion of sorely needed funds
for the improvement and betterment of the living conditions in Nigeria
should be considered a serious crime and be appropriately punished.

Your request for an urgent business relationship was actually received by me
on a number of e mail addresses I use. As a writer of a number of blogs I
somehow ended up with a few e mail tags, I generally use only one and it is
combining my name with Hotmail. The way you promote this effort is hardly a
method of keeping it secret from your government.
I did respond to you using one of my e mail addresses and I suggested that
you prove that you are legitimate and that there is some substance to your
Our government ( Canada ) has once again, recently committed more funds to
the purpose of understanding between our two peoples. You live in a
beautiful and actually quite rich country.  If you compare it with resource
poor Germany or Britain for that matter, or France, Italy, even Spain you are
 blessed with a fine climate
and rich resources as well as a fairly intelligent population. I do find it
difficult to understand therefore why Nigeria ( Venezuela second) is
considered to be the most corrupt country on earth.
You may want to try and explain that to me...or to us Canadians...if you

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